Sunday, October 19, 2008

One more

I am: actually Dustynne Witt though most know me as Noelle Mathison...long story!
I know: I'm a goose.
I want: my ears to un-plug. (Oh, the 'joys' of being sick! Ugh!)
I have: a Savior and Master that died for me, and a wonderful, wonderful family to love.
I wish: I would get more comments.
I hate: semi's, fluorescent lights, and plastic wrap.
I miss: my sister.
I fear: sometimes.
I feel: very deeply. (Yes, I stole that from Jasmine...)
I hear: just about everything.
I smell: everything too strong. Me and my sister.
I crave: nothing, right now -- I'm sick.
I search: for anything that gets lost.
I wonder: what I'll learn in the next year.
I regret: the many mistakes I've made in all my fourteen years.
I love: the Lord and my family.
I ache: to go deeper with my Lord.
I care: very much.
I always: think.
I am not: tagging anyone on this post.
I believe: that God works in mysterious ways.
I dance: when I'm really happy.
I sing: as often as I possibly can.
I cry: yep.
I don't always: do what I should.
I fight: off bees whenever necessary.
I write: and write and write.
I never: like winter anymore by February.
I listen: to the Wissmann's as often as possible.
I need: to grow closer to Jesus.
I can usually be found: inside, doing something.
I win: battles over the enemy in the strength of the Lord!
I lose: sleep when I'm too excited.
I confuse: a lot of people.
I am happy about: too much to describe!
I imagine: that some things will never change.


Anonymous said...

Well, here's a comment for you!!! If you have made many mistakes in your 14 years, I don't like to think how many I've made in my 15....


Stephanie said...

Nice to get to know you a little better, Noelle. :)