Sunday, November 9, 2008


I got a comment on yesterday's post from a friend of mine, Linda N., that I will quote here in this post:
Hey just wanted to add a thought, along the lines of what I've been learning
lately, and that is how essential GLORIFYING GOD is, in all we do...that is our purpose...God wants us to be in continual communication with Him, certainly, but the purpose of it all is to glorify Him, it isn't for our sakes alone...He is so jealous of our affection, worship, and that is why He brings us into communication with Himself...God bless you! (emphasis added by me)
This is so true -- and as I responded to Linda, I had already been planning on doing a post with that train of thought in mind.

Let me begin this story in May of this year.
When we moved into this house in October 2007, we had no idea who our neighbors were or what they were like. As it turns out, we have very kind, peaceful neighbors, and have been blessed with a tremendous opportunity for ministry! :)

This was one of the first times we saw her. She was walking across the street in front of our house in March or April of this year, and being as we were standing around outside taking pictures (just for the sheer fun of it), we snapped a quick picture of her. No idea she was even our neighbor. Winters up here keep people locked inside -- that's why we went six months without meeting our neighbors! October is pretty much considered 'winter'; November, definitely. So, until springtime showed its beautiful face, we had idea who we were living beside.

You may recognize this as Pandora (also known as Panny, Pan, Panny Joy, Panny Pie Joy, PanPie, Cherry PanPie, Panny Pie, and a myriad of other pet names :). She's a lively-spirited girl that's got enough shitzpah to keep fighting even when things get tough. Peer pressure, and family pressure, have threatened to consume her spirit; but she's got enough stuff to keep on keepin' on, no matter what. She's dedicated to the Lord, even if she struggles, which is such a blessing at her age.

All right. Next scene. It was June 15th, Father's Day. We're going about our business when suddenly we hear a timid knock on the door. Upon opening it, we find a shy little girl with beautiful, deep green eyes looking up at us, holding a paper plate covered with plastic wrap. We happily invite her in and she informs us that her mom had sent her over with the plate of frosted carrot cake. (Yum! :) We thank her and talk to her for a couple minutes, and she takes her leave as quickly as possible.

Over the next couple weeks, we saw her and spoke to her every now and then. We also got to briefly meet her stepmom and adorable little sister.

The next time I talked with her for any extended period of time, it was a muggy, buggy June 24th, and I was not looking forward to the landscaping that needed done outside. I thought to myself, hmmm...why not offer Pandora a few dollars to help you? :) As it turned out, it was a very productive time -- we got all the landscaping done, and a large seed of faith was planted into this young girl's heart.

We began our work.

After a few minutes of chit-chat, I asked her if she went to church anywhere. She said they went to know, the one by such-and-such...the one with the school in it...

"The Catholic church?" I asked her.

"Yeah! Our Lady of Peace." She paused for a moment. "Where do you go?"

"We go to church in Ashland."

We were both quiet for a moment, pondering what the other had said. After a little bit, she asked me a question. To be totally honest with you, I don't even remember what it was. Something about church, or the Lord, or something like that. I don't even remember. But from that time on, we were talking -- and talking -- and talking. She asked me so many questions...about the Lord, Satan, heaven, hell, angels, demons, what happens to you when you die -- and so much more. We talked for about 2 - 2-1/2 hours straight. After we were done with our work, we went inside and kept talking. I'm sure she left that night with a lot on her mind! :)

A few days later, I saw her outside again and called her over. We talked for a few minutes, then softly I asked her, "Have you thought at all about what I was saying the other day?"

"Yes," she answered.

By the end of our time that day, she had accepted the Lord as her Savior.

She was here all the time for a while, and we talked constantly -- about the Lord, and about other issues pertinent to growing in the faith. Then for a while, I could sense she was struggling. I'd try to talk to her and she'd just change the subject. This went on for quite a while -- but thank You Lord, she's coming back around again. She's been opening up more, and we've had a couple good conversations, that I hope were encouraging to her. I know they were to me! :)

If you think of Panny at all, please keep her in your prayers! She is a dear child of God, and she's dear to me too. I'm excited about what the Lord's doing in her life -- and what He's doing in mine through her!

That night when we talked for those hours, I was so thankful to the Lord that He gave me the words I needed to reach her. I could never have done it on my own! He gave me the strength I needed! Thank You, Jesus!

Would you happen to notice even a hint of love for drama here??

But this whole post was not meant to be just about Panny.

I go back to the comment my friend left me...

...but the purpose of it all is to glorify Him, it isn't for our sakes alone...

"I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me." (Galatians 2:20)

Is not our entire being to wrapped up in the Lord Jesus, "who loved us and gave himself for us"(Galatians 2:20)? Is not our utmost goal and desire in life to be to serve others and therefore serve our Heavenly Father?

A question I think we should all be asking ourselves every day, every hour, every minute is, "Is what I am doing, saying, thinking, feeling, pleasing to God? Is it glorifying Him? Is it bringing Him honor? Are others going to notice a difference in us by what we're saying and doing? Are they going to see something radiantly pure in us shining through us and wonder What, or Who, it is?

May we be open and alert to the Lord's call to action! I look forward to the future with great anticipation. I'm excited! :)


Jasmine Baucham said...

What a beautiful post, Noelle, from the pictures to the story; I will definitely keep you and Pandora in my prayers. :-)

Linda said...

Wow...that's so neat God is using you to impact her life...forever..!